Sunday, January 23, 2011

Conner Prairie Gingerbread Jamboree

Olivia had a fun time on her field trip! My favorite part of the experience was when they had to do  a dance with the gingerbread man and Olivia flipped out. She does not like anyone in a costume with a mask. I had a fun time laughing just watching her! She loves school and all of her friends :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

It's been a long time...

I know it has been a long time and I have no idea if anyone still see's this blog, but whatever..LOL Here are some pictures of Olivia..:) She is in kindergarten now and is smart as a whip! It is amazing how fast these years have gone bye. Andy is ready for another kid, but I am enjoying Olivia right now. Currently I am working for JD Byrider and loving it. Andy is still at Walmart. Things are going good!! There are some pictures with our favorite Grandpa Gum too!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hello Again

Happy Easter...a few days late.. Here's a picture of Olivia at my dad's house in front of her Egg tree